Thursday, March 26, 2009

Really?! Gross.

Baby Chicklet is just gross at times, well, a LOT of the time.

I'm going to blame it on the evil BOY influence of middle chicklet.

She loves to poot. Really. Loves. To. Poot. She thinks it's hysterical.

She goes out of her way t0 poot ON her Daddy. Seriously.

But, according to her, it NEVER smells bad.

The other day, she wiped a nasty trail of SNOT on my car window. No lie.

This morning, she hocked a loogie into a piece of paper and proceeded to ask me to LOOK AT IT!

HELLO?!? I'm SO not looking at the loogie. I drew the line when...

I took a picture of the SNOT TRAIL!

Lines MUST be drawn somewhere.


  1. Blech! That *is* gross! And I'm eating my lunch!! I guess based upon the title I should have known, though, right?!

  2. WOW! Yes, it's the men in the house, lol. My daughter does the tomboyish things too!

  3. I don't even know how to say this.

    Hmm...once, when I was a teenager, my mom took me for Shaved Ice. I ordered blueberry creme flavor.

    It was bright, bright blue. And I don't know if you know what bright, bright blue dye does to thinks that come out of your body, but it turns them green.

    I remember screaming at my mom to come look because I had such a "Pretty Poo."


  4. I know the feeling. I thought girls weren't supposed to do these things. I tell mine that all the time. They don't seem to care.

  5. Yes, I do know what the BOY influence can do to a little girl...all too well.
    I keep telling her that little girls don't DOOO that!

  6. Ha! That's quite a list, only to be lengthened with time. :) The good thing about gross is: blog material and laughter.

  7. Oh how glad I am that I am not you! I have a gag reflex when it comes to slimy things! Poor you!

  8. Oh god.... my middle is headed in this direction! Gross!!!

  9. I have the exact opposite. My youngest Vivi thinks that everything about her father is "agusting!!"

  10. I thought girls were sugar and spice and everything nice?? Not boogers and snot and farts that are hot.

  11. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Is this what my daughter was laughing at?!?!!?!?!? hahahaha

  12. Ick. Sounds like things around here.... :)

  13. Too flipping funny! Crossing a line some where ... LOL

  14. Ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!

  15. Yep! That's gross! My girls love to wipe boogers on the walls. I love to make them scrub them off. :)

  16. my 13 yr old is a burper...i cannot get her to stop. she and her daddy think it is hysterical.

  17. Ewwwww! My son wiped his snort on the wall once but never did it again (maybe he does but I haven't seen any snort trails since) after I made him clean it off.

  18. Too funny! I bet she gets big reactions from your son and husband!

  19. um, donetta. two words for this: gross?


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