I am a mom of three - 20, 15 & 8. One day we driving to visit our oldest at college and the next eating lunch at school with our 2nd grader with some high school basketball thrown in the mix! I am a teacher - teaching at a virtual charter school and making a difference EVERY DAY. I love my family more than life itself. Our motto - work hard, play hard!! Welcome to our Life in the Fast Lane!
Pumpkin - the love of my life. He came into my life when Brittney was 8 and Tripp was 3. From day one he has treated them like they are HIS OWN. He is an amazing father, husband and friend. He loves George Strait, Metallica and Michael Jackson. Work Hard, Play Hard is his personal motto. Oh, and "Stay for One More Sipper."
AKA - Brittney
Chick 1, Eldest Chick, is also known as Brittney. I was a 19 year old college student having a BABY. But I couldn't have asked for a better baby, child and now young adult. Now MY baby is a JUNIOR in college! Aside from being georgous, she is a gifted leader, incredibly smart, generous, loving, faithful and, ok, I'll say it - hard headed. Guess she gets it naturally!
AKA - Tripp
Chick #2 - also known as Tripp - and the lone male chick in the nest. Wow - what to say. I'm so proud of my middle chick. This chameleon of mine has come a long way and changed many colors. He too is strong willed (Are you starting to see a pattern?) but knows what he wants and where he wants to be. He is a GIFTED athlete in every sport he touches. Basketball & baseball are his favorites! BUT he wants to WIN and, of course, be happy. Just a small order! :)
AKA - Kaley
Chick #3 - also known as Kaley. Shocker, of course, but HARD HEADED! This sweet princess is 8 going on 12 - easy to do when you have a 20 year old sister and 15 year old brother. Can we say, "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?!" She loves her babies - pickey nose, pickey nose's brother, etc. - pretty close to as much as she loves her Mommy & Daddy! And this little chick?! Set your DVRs - you're going to see her on "So You Think You Can Dance!" Watch out Hannah Montana!