Sicky notes for the day: Kaley bug is home today sick. She's seriously snotty (hope you're not eating right now!), has a fever and a croupy sounding cough. It's very easy to predict/tell when she's about to get sick. Her eyes are the window to her cooties! She gets major bags under her pretty little eyes. It's pitiful. So all morning we've been snuggled up on the couch, watching tv & doing puzzles. At this exact moment, she is on the computer playing games on Playhouse Disney so I'm typing away on the laptop while sitting on the floor beside her.
On to our eldest chick. MRSA is evil. It has been our personal nightmare. Yesterday we saw ANOTHER specialist - pediatric dermatologist. He seems to think that the MRSA was able to get into her ears because of acne/blackheads in her ears -basically like foliculitis in her ears.
Time out - gotta go help with Goofy's Shoe Round Up....
OK - back to business. He gave her two creams to use. One to use twice daily - it's a combination of a topical antibiotic (clindamycin - the same she is taking orally) and a steroid. The other is to use if any more spots become inflamed or infected looking. Our next step is an appointment on Friday with a pediatric ENT. The infectious disease doctor highly recommended we go see both so away we've gone.
In addition to the ear pain associated with having staph infections in BOTH ears, she now has pretty severe stomach issues from being on heavy duty antibiotics for five months. They are pretty sure that all the good bacteria has ben killed while trying to kill (unsuccessfully) the MRSA. She has lost SEVEN pounds in two weeks - weight she has no business losing. She hardly eats because when she does she gets severe stomach pains/cramps. She's pitiful too.
THANK GOODNESS middle chicklet is all well. He's had a couple of days with stomach issues, but Pumpkin & I think it has a lot to do with his chili consumption!! What goes in must come out(again - hope you are not eating!)!! He's crazy busy right now. It's that time of the year when basketball is ending & travel baseball is practicing like crazy getting ready for their season. Add on the middle school day/schedule and it makes for long days! However, he certainly finds time to play Xbox. Heaven help us if he can't get his "fix"!!
Now - on to the contest!!! Bellaziza's Favorite Things has another SWAG ALERT - Get it together with momAgenda. I LOVE LOVE LOVE momAgenda. I have the mini daily, and it's my sanity. Maybe that's debatable, but moving on... I desperately want a desk pad, wall calendar, weekly menu/grocery pad, permission slip pad, etc....... The list goes on. I LOVE (did I say that already) momAgenda! Check it out when you get a chance and go over to Bellaziza's Favorite Things and comment to enter the contest!
Licitar Hearts: A Sweet Symbol of Zagreb
1 week ago
wow...great update!